Monday, 2 June 2014

Day 2 | 20 Facts About Me

Today you're going to learn some weird and wonderful facts about me. 

1. I am the worlds biggest procrastinator.
2. You'll find notebooks filled with lists all over my bedroom.
3. Cheese is my biggest downfall in life. I love the smelly stuff.
4. I dislike change more than anything.
5. I can watch QVC all day without getting bored. I haven't even bought anything from there before!
6. I really enjoy my own company, especially when it comes to shopping.
7. It took me three attempts to pass my driving test.
8. Originally I studied Travel and Tourism at college but I now work in Lettings and have done for the past 3 years.
9. Crying could be a hobby of mine. I cry at films, books, anything remotely emotional - I get it from my mum!
10. Purple is my favourite colour.
11. I love CSI!
12. I hate my big feet - size 7 is just not dainty.
13. Brighton is my favourite place in the world, hopefully I'll be calling it home soon.
14. My boyfriend is my best friend and knows me better than anyone - he's a keeper.
15. I am crap at saving money, its made to be spent not kept in a bank account!
16. Morning person I am not! I am not remotely sociable until after my first cup of tea.
17. I prefer watching series to movies or normal TV. Dexter is the current series of choice - only on series 2 so no spoilers please!
18. I have over 50 nail varnishes but only ever paint my toenails.
19. 11 is my lucky number.
20. I bruise so easily. I always have at least 2 bruises at one time, 9/10 I have no idea where they came from. 

I thought this would be an easy post to write but its more difficult then I first thought! You can read all my posts from the challenge here. 


  1. Im doing this challenge too. Its really fun having something to post about everyday !
    Im not a morning person either, but a culpa always sorts me out :)

    Alex ox.

    1. I've been following yours too Alex :) So far so good, but wondering if I'll flake out half way through - I hope not though! xx

  2. Lovely post! <3 xx

    (BTW I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award, which you can see here:

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I'll check out your post :) xx

  3. We are so similar!! I love cheese and pretty notebooks and lists! Hate change! Shopping on your own is also my fave and i'm a size 7 big foot too... and I cry at everything!


    1. We are definitely so similar, its scary! That is very very weird but nice too :) xx
