Oops, I really fell off the blogging band wagon this weekend! I'd like to blame the World Cup but I hate football! I've just been a busy disorganised bee all weekend, I'm sorry guys! I was kinda thinking about stopping this whole blogging every day thing - I just cant keep up but then
Alexandra said what's stopping you! And you know she's right, I'm the only one stopping me! So here we go...
Day 13 - What's Inside My Fridge
As I live at home with my parents I don't tend to have any say in the bits we have in the fridge as a whole, although I do have the top shelf which is filled with a few little things. I've got some Almond milk which I'm trying to get to grips with, some sweet potatoes *nom nom* various dips and sauces. I also have a few Lush Face Masks, but I have to say they have been in there months! I just never know how long they will keep for but I think maybe I need to get rid. Although I will keep the containers as you do get a free face mask with 6 (I think!) empty pots!
On another note - how cute is the pink Smeg fridge! I would love to have that kind of fridge in my kitchen. It would look so cute!
Day 14 - Three Healthy Habits
I'm trying hard to be healthy at the moment but I'm finding it so difficult! I just love food! So these are going to be three small healthy habits that will help with the bigger picture...
Always take the stairs - If there's less than 3 flights take the stairs, it wont take long and all it all go towards extra steps a day. If possible try running up too!
Drink more water - I am terrible when it comes to drinking in general let alone drinking water! Some days I can get to my evening meal and not have had a drink all day! I just don't ever feel thirsty which Allan thinks is pretty odd! So first off I'll try to drink a glass of water with each meal, at least!
Dont always go for the easy option - This can be used in so many different situations, like when I'm choosing what to have for dinner or when I'm at the gym! Easy doesnt always mean its the best option, sometimes taking time to do or make something will help you get the results you want - as they say nothing worth having comes easy!
Day 15 - Where Will I Be In 5 Years
I'm a girl with a plan. I know what I want, but not necessarily when I want it. In 5 years I'll be 28, so I'd like to think I'd be settled down in my own home in Brighton hopefully with a ring on my finger and if I'm lucky a little bubba on the way! Its no secret that I want to solely be a mum so although sometimes I think the sooner the better, I do know that there are so many things we want to do before settling into that part of our lives. There's so many places we want to visit, so many things we want to buy, including a second place (Allan already owns his flat, lucky sod). I also want to do my ARLA exams which means I'd be able to open my own Letting Agents which might come in handy when we have our own property empire!
Day 16 - Thoughts on Education
I have such mixed feels about education. Whilst I loved learning new things at school I hated putting it into practice in school work and homework but all the same I left secondary school with some pretty average grades. College was worse, I couldn't get myself motived to do the work and always did just enough work to scrape through even thought I knew if I actually applied myself I could do quite well. I knew uni was a no go for me although I would have loved to have gone for the experience! I don't think though that missing out on uni meant missing out on job opportunities. Okay so maybe you have to start further down the food chain then someone coming out of uni, but on the other hand it does mean that you have plenty more on the job experience. These days there's such a fine line between whether a degree is worth more than 3 years of actually doing the job!
For me I think its such a personal thing, some people love it some people hate it, but I do think education up until college level is very important, anything after that is just personal preference. It all depends on what you'd like to aim towards.
Now I know each topic is pretty short and sweet and I'm only scratching the surface but I didn't want you to be there all night reading my ramblings! One thing I do know though, I'll never be able to blog everyday! I think I was being quite ambitious and maybe next time I need to remember to go at my own pace, but you live and learn.
You can read all my posts from the 30 day challenge here.