Wednesday 5 February 2014

101 Things in 1001 Days - Update

Last month I decided to start the 101 things in 1001 days, you can see me original post here. Originally I thought that I had a mixture of easily achievable things and harder ones that would require effort and thought. But nearly a month on, I have yet to complete one! Some of the items on the last are very long term goals, for example buying my own house and getting a new car which of course are going to take time, others not so much.

When I started this I wanted the list to bring me out of my comfort zone, to make me do things I wouldn't normally do, or should be doing but I'm not. For example number 29, have lunch away from my desk for a week, I have a really bad habit of grabbing something to eat and heading back to my desk to either carry on with work or taking 10 minutes out to check Bloglovin. I'm entitled to a full hour lunch break but very rarely take it for one reason or another so I wanted to make a conscious effort to go and have a break. Have I managed this at all? Nope, not even once or twice. Next week though is the one, I'm going to complete number 29 on my list! 

The hardest thing about the list is remember what you've put in the first place, so I'm going to have a weekly scan through to see if there's anything I can tick off during that week. An added incentive for completing tasks is number 66 save £10 for every task complete, now although this isn't a lot, over the 1001 days this would be £1,010 which is a quite a bit of money considering I'd only be putting £10 away here and there.

I'm going to keep going and hopefully soon you'll start to see updates pop up more regularly as I get through the tasks. In the meantime, do you have things your hoping to do in the near future? Do you have a list yourself? I'd love to hear your goals. 


  1. The saving thing is great idea!!! Good luck! xxxxx

    1. Thanks Hannah! I think I'm going to need it lol xx
