Friday 31 January 2014

Liebster Award!

So yesterday I was nominated for a Libster Award by the lovely Hannah from Just Hannah. I would really suggest checking out Hannah's blog if you haven't already, she does a great mix of lifestyle and beauty posts which I really enjoy reading! I'd seen this around on a few blogs so was really pleased that Hannah had thought of me. The award is designed to help discover new blogs, especially the ones just starting out. 

It also helps you guys get to know me a little better :) So here are Hannah's questions...

1. What first made you want to start a blog?
I've been reading blogs for the last 6 months ago, my boyfriend would say I've got a slight obsession but hey what does he know! For quite sometime I've been wanting to start a hobby but finding the right thing was becoming difficult - knitting isn't quite my thing! I love getting all my thoughts out on paper - ahem word documents - so thought this would be a great outlet.

2. What was your first high-end beauty buy?
A few years ago I really started to get into make-up, that Christmas I asked for Benefit make-up without even looking into any products. I was in awe on Christmas day when I opened up loads of make-up goodies. I also got quite a lot of vouchers, and of course I had to spend them on more Benefit products! The first being the They're Real mascara, that was probably the best decision yet! I have gone on to.  repurchase a number of times.

3. If you could only shop in one clothes shop for the rest if your life what would it be?

I have a big soft spot for New Look, the clothes are reasonably priced and quite a good quality. They are perfect for the ever changing trends, which I can only try and keep up with!    

4. If on one of your day off you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

A white sandy deserted beach. Who doesn't need a bit of rest and relaxation! 

5. Dogs or Cats?

Dogs every day of the week. I'm really not a cat person at all. 

6. Starter or Dessert?

This is a toughie, as I love both so much! But if pushed I'd have to go with starter, anything with cheese and I'm happy. 

7. Shower or Bath?

Shower for convenience and bath for relaxation - is that cheating? 

8. Chinese or Indian?

Indian. I love a good curry and don't be forgetting the poppadoms now! 

9. Favourite childhood sweet/chocolate? 
Hmmm this one is hard. I used to love the white Jazzie's. I still do now. 

10. What Disney Character are you most like?
I'm not sure which I'm most like but my most favourite is Pocahontas. I used to watch that film on repeat all signing along to The Colours of the Rainbow hoping that my John Smith would come and whisk me off my island! 

11. What was your favourite film of last year?

I'm not normally a film kinda girl, more of a series lover - especially CSI!!! So I'm going to cheat and say my favourite series of last year was Breaking Bad, I definitely had an obsession there.  

So I have nominated the following people...

Asia Marie Scott

Floral Fidelity
Sally Says Beauty
Very Jenny
Two Hundred or Less
The Perks of Being Amy
Pearls and Lillies
Champagne and Lemonade
SweetP Beaut
The Girls Next Door UK

So ladies your questions are...

1. What do you like most about Blogging?

2. Make up or Skincare?
3. Who would you most like to have a sleep over with? Dead or alive.
4. Are you an early bird or night owl? 
5. What would be your dream job?
6. If you had £20 to spend in Boots would you buy?
7. Sweets or Chocolates?
8. What is your favourite type of cuisine?
9. Lipgloss or lipstick? 
10. Whats your lucky number?
11. Whats your favourite cocktail? 

I look forward to all your answers! Don't forget to tag 11 people with 200 followers or less! 


  1. Thank you for the nomination !! i have already done this post a few times but i will still answer the questions for you over on my blog :).
    I have followed you !!
    Alex ox.

    1. Sorry I didnt realise you had already done this but thank you for doing it again xx

  2. Awww I love it! my first high end beauty buy was Benefit too! I think I bought erase paste!

    Hapy blogging my love! really enjoy reading yours!

    Just Hannah xxxx

    1. Erase Paste is amazing, I've got a little pot of it but will be getting a full size when it runs out :)

      Thank you Hannah, I love your blog too! xx

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! I'm going to do the post tonight :)
    Sally xxx

    1. Your more than welcome! I look forward to reading your answers xx

  4. Hi Kelly, thank you so much for the nomination :] I'm hoping to sit down and do the post tomorrow or Tues :] hope you're well sweet!
    Jordan xx

    1. Your welcome Jordan, although I'm sorry in advance as I dont think the post will make the 200 words or less theme lol hope you can make an exception :) It's a time consuming post so make sure you have plenty of tea :) xx
