Friday 17 January 2014

My First Park Run

On Saturday morning my alarm went off at 7.45am, a time that I never normally see on a weekend. If it wasn't for my friend picking me up at 8.30am I think I would have hit the snooze button but somehow I managed the conger up the motivation to get up, scrape my hair back and tie up my running trainers. All because I was going to complete not only my first Park Run but my first ever 5k! Now, I know for some 5k is a walk in the park but for me it was a big deal. Running for me doesn't come naturally, I wasn't a born runner or anything sports related for that matter. But with my 10k within seven weeks I knew it was time to get the training started. When I say I knew it was time, I mean my work colleague brought me to the realisation that if I didn't pull my finger out soon then completing the 10k at all, let along in a respectable time would be a distant dream! Now I know she was only pulling the scare tactics on me but boy did it work! Two days later I'm at the very muddy start line of my local Park Run!
I took the run nice and steady as having never run that distance I wasn't sure on pace and with no distance markers or my trusty Nike + app (conveniently it wouldn't work that morning) to guide me I was running in the dark - well not literally as it was bloody bright for a normally dark January morning. Somehow I made it to the finish line minus a friend - sorry Charlotte! - in 38.25. For my first attempt I am very pleased with the time, although I know I can do better! The course was very muddy and through woodland which I've never ran in before, normally favouring the road or treadmill.
All in all it was a very proud morning, but I now know I've got a lot of work to do but hey we all have to start somewhere don't we! If  you want to take part in your nearest Park Run visit the website Its a great weekly event that is so well organised and even better, its free!

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