Saturday 11 January 2014

The Fitness Journey

The start of the year for me, has always felt like the start of another a month, or another day. I've never had the feeling that I needed to make resolutions or change anything in my life. That was until this year. This year I decided that 1st January was the perfect time to change certain things that I wasn't entirely happy with. Nothing major just small things that would hopefully make a bigger difference.

In life I am a very happy chappy, I have lovely friends and family who I wouldn't change for the world, a great job which funds my shopping addiction and an amazing boyfriend who I love dearly. The only place in my life that I thought needed a little tweak was my fitness. Before signing up for a 10k (more on that in another post) I very rarely did any exercise. Don't get me wrong I had a gym membership but only visited once or twice a month and even then it was a quick cross trainer workout and then to the coffee shop for a treat after the not so strenuous workout! Recently I've been working out a lot more and running here and there but not near enough what I need to do to get me through the 10k on 1st March. So I decided to make a few resolutions that would help me become a lot healthier and fitter and complete the race in a respectable time. I'm not in this to loose weight - although it wouldn't be a bad thing - I'm in this to look and feel more healthy and confident. With this is in mind I made the following resolutions:

  • Complete the 10k in March
  • Run one other competitive race during the year
  • Complete a Park Run at least once a month
  • Attend the gym at least twice a week - with workout to hand
  • Try one new fitness class per month
  • Meal plan every Sunday for the week in advance
  • Drink more water.
I know these things are not life changing but as they say sometimes its not about the destination but the journey to get there. Each step of the way I'll letting you know how I'm getting on and I would welcome any tips or tricks you have to keep motivated!


  1. It is lovely to see someone say they just want to get fitter and feel more healthy! Not enough girls understand how much better this is than being too skinny! Looking forward to reading more posts :) x

  2. Thank you Zoe. Personally I've never gone for the skinny thing - I love food too much. As long as your healthy and comfortable in your own skin that's all that matters x

  3. I totally agree with feeling healthy and happy in your own skin. My goal is to not only get fitter, but stronger too. I think its damn impressive when a girl can lift better than a guy lol. Good luck! X
