Saturday 8 March 2014

Lost and Found

Every now and again there something happens that stops you in your tracks, and not necessarily in a good way. You may have noticed that in the last week or two I have been a little vacant from my blog and social media. Don't worry I'm not about to spin you a sob story, I know that there are people that are going through a lot more in life and in comparison my troubles are next to nothing. 

Last weekend I took part in my first ever 10k - well I say 10k but unfortunately I only managed half. This really knocked me back and I was so angry and disappointed at myself for not giving it a fair go. I wasn't quite sure what the problem was on the day but my body just hit a wall and I couldn't get any further. On the plus side I did manage a 5k personal best - every cloud eh :)  

Next up came a module exam at college. I'm not sure if I mentioned before but I am going a part time beauty therapy course which I am really enjoying! I had a theory exam in Facial Skin which again I thought I was ready for. Well, let me tell you anatomy is a bitch! I crashed and burned along with 50% of my class. In a matter for 4 days I'd failed at two things I really thought I was prepared and ready for and it really dented my confidence all together. I couldnt really find the motivation to write up any post's so I kind of decided to take a step back - for all of a week. Hark at me, I took my first blogging break after only blogging for 2 months ;) surely that's a record! 

I've since retaken my facial exam and passed - only by 1%! So for now I can forget about that until my next exam on manicures which will be in about 6 weeks time. I've also decided that I'm not sure running is my thing, I had hoped that after a while I would start to enjoy it and want to go out running but we still seem to have a love/hate relationship, so I'm going to go back to the gym instead. I loved going to the exercise classes that they had on offer so I've decided to get back into that routine. 

My motivation is back, and hopefully for good this time.This weekend is going to be a very productive one so expect lots more posts coming your way :) 

K x 


  1. Woohoo.. Not to the failure. That bit is always a bit rubbish but you have picked yourself up and got on with it and now have a new bounce in your step.

    Loving the blog. I shall be back regularly!

  2. The bounce is definitely back. Thanks T! Catch you soon x
